1. English is just a tool.
English is convenient for communication. It is true, but English cannot be purpose.
2. Learning English can have you admitted to a school.
Many schools accept applicants with English skills. Many admissions require only English.
3. More than 1 billion people speak English.
English is a public language in many countries such as the US, UK, etc. Moreover, there are a lot of nations where English is spoken as a second language.
4. English raises your income.
In many countries, businesspersons with English proficiency make more money than those who do not have it.
5. English is a Japanese weakness.
If more Japanese became fluent in English, Japan would be more competitive.
1. 英語はただの道具にすぎない
2. 英語ができるだけで受験合格することもある
3. 10億人以上が英語を話せる
4. 英語ができればもっと稼げる
5. 英語は日本人の弱点
6. Elementary school students can complete English courses taught in high school.
You may be smart enough to learn English before entering high school.
7. You do not need to master English to get the license to teach English.
Some English teachers in Japan got low score at standardized test such as TOEIC.
8. Perfect is the enemy of learning English.
English is the most spoken language as second language. You do not have to speak like native.
9. Pronunciation is only one part of speaking elements.
Other parts are intonations, accents, phonics, etc.
10. English is not sufficient enough to be a global leader.
To be a global leader requires more than English. Other includes interpersonal skill, leadership, cultural understanding, etc.
6. 小学生でも高校英語をマスターできる
7. 英語の教員免許はペラペラでなくても取得できる
8. 完璧主義は英語習得の敵
9. 発音が良くなくても通じる
10. 英語力だけではグローバルリーダーにはなれない